
   Russisch Englisch
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ой, да что я там не видела?Betonungen
umg. relax, it's nothing I haven't seen before (реплика стесняющемся своей наготы: "Um...yeah, hang on!" I called, searching around desperately for my towel. "Just give me a second—" "It's no problem," the door pushed open[...] All the color drained from my face as I froze perfectly still, crouched as low in the water as I could possibly be so that my body was hidden by the jets. The woman made note of my efforts with a wry smile and an amused shake of her head. "Don't worry, honey. It's nothing I haven't seen before." google.pl Shabe)
ой, да что я там не видел?
umg. relax, it's nothing I haven't seen before (реплика стесняющемся своей наготы; it's = that's = this is Shabe)