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фалафель Sub.Betonungen
Allg. falafel (Falafel is the national street food of Israel: delectably crunchy nuggets of ground chickpeas and spicy seasonings, served in a pita, doused with tahini sauce and smothered in add-ons that range from chopped salad to pickled vegetables to a generous dose of the fiery Yemenite condiment called zhug. sophia_b52)
Gastron. felafel balls (тж falafel: a deep-fried ball or patty made from ground chickpeas, fava beans, or both. Falafel is a traditional Arab food, usually served in a pita, which acts as a pocket, or wrapped in a flatbread known as lafa. The falafel balls are topped with salads, pickled vegetables, hot sauce, and drizzled with tahini-based sauces. Falafel balls may also be eaten alone as a snack or served as part of a meze. алешаBG); felafel (восточное блюдо, родом из Египта – фритированные шарики из шоре бобов, нута, иногда фасоли с различными пряностями; традиционно подаётся с питой)