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Allg. one way or the other; however (Vadim Rouminsky); in various ways (sea holly); be that as it may (rechnik); in some way (Alex_Odeychuk); at all events (Stas-Soleil); somehow or other (Maria Klavdieva); one way or another; anyhow (в утверд. предл.); anyway (в утверд. предл.); in one way or other; by hook or by crook; whether or no; in either event; somehow; either way (Maybe people think the two of us look like a comedy act, I ain’t sure. Either way, the business is booming and I ain’t complaining.); some way or other; someway or other; someways or other; for better or worse (mascot); whatever (ответ на реплику, с которой не вполне согласен, но и не хочешь спорить Голуб); at any rate (Anglophile); whatever happens (Anglophile); one way or the other (ART Vancouver); by some means (or other); in one way or another (Matveeva25); any road (в утвердительном предложении); directly or indirectly, in whole or in part (в официальных контекстах по обстоятельствам; англ. варинат – реальный оборот из постановления Совета ЕС 4uzhoj); in any respect (Ася Кудрявцева); all the same (John wants to stay another week, but I'm going home all the same. Val_Ships); anyways (VLZ_58); thus or otherwise (Vadim Rouminsky); eventually (4uzhoj); by one means or another (Andrey Truhachev); by some means or other (Andrey Truhachev); whatever it be (Vadim Rouminsky); however it be (Vadim Rouminsky); whatever the case (как вводная фраза 4uzhoj); by some mean or other; therefore (Сынковский)
Gruzovik in any case
Игорь Миг to a degree
Amerik. in whatever way (Val_Ships)
Bergb. in some way or another
karach. whether or not (bumblbee89)
kont. innately (ВосьМой); for whatever reason (kee46); whatever the causes (kee46)
Makarow. any way; in some or other way; anyhow (в утвердит. предложении)
Massenmed. anyway; anyhow
Math. in either case; in some way or other; in one way or other somehow or other
Rhet. overtly or covertly (Alex_Odeychuk)
Sport. either way
Sprw. in any case (used as paren.)
Werb. in any event
так или иначе
: 25 Phrasen in 6 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik14
Wissenschaftlicher Ausdruck1