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Slang. sissy (MichaelBurov); doormat (MichaelBurov); wimp (MichaelBurov); dead-head (MichaelBurov); milk-toast (MichaelBurov); dawdler (MichaelBurov); ditherer (MichaelBurov); milk toast (MichaelBurov); droptop (MichaelBurov); drizzle (амер. MichaelBurov); gruel (MichaelBurov); gook (MichaelBurov); jellyfish (MichaelBurov); flummery (MichaelBurov); sap (MichaelBurov); dishrag (MichaelBurov); nuts (MichaelBurov); knobnot (MichaelBurov); bananahead (MichaelBurov); sniveller (MichaelBurov); drip (MichaelBurov); pansy (MichaelBurov); drizzle puss (MichaelBurov); glamor puss (MichaelBurov); pickle-puss (MichaelBurov); puss (MichaelBurov); sour-puss (MichaelBurov); sklonk (MichaelBurov); spoops (MichaelBurov); spoopsy (MichaelBurov); bananas (MichaelBurov)
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Allg. lose mind (cognachennessy); go completely off one's trolley (alenushpl)
idiom. be out of someone's tree (When I mention this to McCartney, and remind him of exactly what was said, he starts laughing. "I love this guy," he says. "He's totally out of his tree." Lily Snape)
umg. slip a gear; go nuts (Ты что, с дуба рухнул? Have you lost it?; стать странным, ненормальным; сойти с ума to start behaving in a strange way, to go mad (in Russian literally "to fall out of an oak tree")); crack up; be out of one's gourd (SirReal); lose it
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Allg. are you nuts? (TranslationHelp)
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Allg. off his chump (Anglophile)
с дуба рухнувший: 2 Phrasen in 2 Thematiken