
   Russisch Englisch
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Allg. cover; take; pertain
umg. refer; ascribe; attribute; stop wearing
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Makarow. the more
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Allg. to
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Verb | Verb | zu Phrasen
отнести V.Betonungen
Allg. take; carry; deliver (to a certain place or person); carry away (from); move away (from); sweep (of the wind, current, etc., to, toward, away, etc.); consider (among); place (among); carry treat; show; speak; concern; refer; belong; date from; be relevant; trace; attribute; relegate; charge (tfennell); pertain (to); apply (to); ascribe (to); have to do (with); regard; relate (to); remove; treat; turn (to); voice opinion; designate (designate as – отнести к SirReal); concert
Gruzovik take to; deliver; ascribe to (pf of относить)
Makarow. carry away; carry off; cut off; take to
Math. assign; associate; place; put; relate
umg. chop off
veralt. address oneself (to); express oneself
отнестись V.
Allg. cover; take (how did he take it? – как он отнёсся к этому?); pertain (to); apply (to); concern; date from; have to do (with); regard; relate (to); treat; react (как он к этому отнёсся? – how did he react to that? Tanya Gesse); behave (toward); act (toward); react (toward); have a certain attitude (toward); belong to; be among; apply to; pertain to; date (from)
Gruzovik apply to (pf of относиться); have to do with (pf of относиться); relate to (pf of относиться); pertain to (pf of относиться); refer to (pf of относиться)
Gruzovik, veralt. voice one's opinion; address oneself to (pf of относиться); turn to (pf of относиться)
umg. refer (to); ascribe (to); attribute (to); stop wearing
veralt. address oneself (to); express oneself; turn (to); voice opinion
 Russisch Thesaurus
отнесши V.
Allg. деепр. от отнести
отнесшись V.
Allg. деепр. от отнестись
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: 3 Phrasen in 2 Thematiken
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