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Allg. precipice; steep; bluff; fall; escarp; disconnection
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Allg. normal
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обрыв Sub.Betonungen
Allg. precipice; steep; bluff; fall; escarp; disconnection (цепи); steeper; heugh; cliffside (buttenko); embankment (вдоль улицы: I was walking the dog in Round Cape. I saw something fly across the street coming from Renfrew St, then heard a crash. Quickly I walked into the park on Wall St and saw a car bumper and then noticed the fence was gone. I looked over the embankment and saw a car on its side. I called 911. -- выглянула вниз с обрыва / посмотрела вниз с обрыва (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik premature disconnection; break in wire, etc.
Autoind. runaway; runaway (автопоезда)
Autom. breakage (напр., провода); interception
Bauw. lin; break (провода, линии); discontinuity (электроцепи)
Bergb. runaway (вагонетки на наклонном пути)
biblioth. tear
Bohr. breaking
E.öl. breakdown; parting (колонны труб в скважине)
Eisnbnw. breaking away; runaway (поезда)
el. open; opening; disconnexion (more common spelling: disconnection); breaking down
el.Tech. disconnection (электрической цепи); discontinuity (цепи); interruption (цепи)
Energiewirts. interruption (напр., цепи); short-stopping (напр., электрической цепи)
feuerl. breakage (провода)
Forst failure; break (бумажного полотна); broke (бумаги)
Geogr. high bank
Geol. cliff; clift; klip
IT open (напр., в ИС); break (линии связи)
landwirt. ravine; decline
Lederindust. breakage (напр., нитей)
Luftf. breakoff; detaching
Makarow. bank; br (breakage); break-down (напр., ленты); breakage (провода, цепи, линии); breaking (напр., ленты); disconnexion (цепи); ending (нити, цепи и т.п.); scarp; short-stopping (цепи); break (в цепи); marginal escarpment; break (напр., ленты); break (провода, цепи, линии); termination (цепи); the verge of the cliff
Mar. breakage (линии)
Math. cut-off; gap
Med. rupture
Metall. breakage (напр., проволоки)
Metrol. discontinuity (электрической цепи)
Mil. drop
Mil., Tech. break (провода); natural escarpment
Navig. escarpment
Polygr. tear (бумажной ленты); tearing (бумажной ленты)
Polym. disrupture; scission; stopping (цепи); interruption (химической цепи)
Seismol. fault scarp
Silikatprod. abruption (ленты стекла); breakage (стекловолокна); discontinuity (стекловолокна)
Straßenb. breakdown agent
Tech. breaking-down; abruption; breakage; fault; interruption; hillside; abrupture; drop-off; open (в цепи); break; breakout
Telekomm. cutoff failure
teng. break away; break off; cutoff
Topogr. sheer drop (on a mountain side: "It looks like bush and it looks like it's not sloped, but there are actually sheer drops." (Burnaby Now newspaper) ART Vancouver); drop-off ("The north side of the mountain is quite a hazard. There's lots of steep drop-offs, and some of them are in the region of 200 to 300 feet," Lt. Jeff Lyle told the NOW." (Burnaby Now newspaper) • Near this picnic area there was a creek that meandered by and pushed against a rather steep drop, and I remember thinking that this was sort of dangerous considering how many people were milling about not too far away and how many kids were running around the general area. We were sitting quite near this drop off, practically right next to it, and I couldn’t even really enjoy my lunch because sometimes a kid would run past and I was worried that eventually someone was going to go over. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver); drop ("So...the fence is purely decorative?" "Most likely it is just a railing to keep people from falling off the edge of the retaining wall." "Exactly. There’s a pretty big drop into some blackberry bushes back there. We do have fences on either side of the yard but the bears can climb over them." reddit.com ART Vancouver)
Ökol. scar
Öl&Gas breakaway
обрывы Sub.
Massenmed. opens (множество дефектов типа «обрыв цепи»)
"Обрыв" Sub.
lit. the Precipice (роман Гончарова)
"обрыв" Sub.
voll. let serve (сленг; если мяч падает под сетку в площадку принимающей команды business-gazeta.ru whysa)
обрыв V.
Bot. abrupt
обрыть V.
Gruzovik dig round (pf of обрывать)
обрыв нормального
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