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на всякое чиханье не наздравствуешьсяBetonungen
Allg. you can't please everyone (Anglophile)
Gruzovik, Sprw. you cannot please everyone (совет не обращать внимания на чьи-либо высказывания, поступки, действия)
Sprw. you cannot please the whole world and his wife (igisheva); he labors in vain who tries to please everybody (igisheva); hе that would please all and himself too, takes more in hand than he is like to do (igisheva); he who pleased everybody died before he was born (igisheva); it is hard to please all parties (igisheva); no gale can equally serve all passengers (igisheva); not even Jupiter can please everybody (igisheva); one cannot please all the world and his wife (igisheva); you cannot please everybody (igisheva)
umg. one cannot please everyone
на всякое чихание не наздравствуешься
Allg. it is impossible to say "good health" hearing every sternutation; it's impossible to say "good health" hearing every sternutation
idiom. it's impossible to say good health hearing every sternutation (Yeldar Azanbayev)