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как разBetonungen
как раз вовремя; самое время; заодно; раз уж; впору; как раз перед этим
Allg. high time; be in the middle of (something or doing something; в контексте: She's in the middle of her prayers. I'll tell her to call you as soon as she's finished. • I turn and see she's in the middle of taking off her panties. 4uzhoj); be right in the middle of (something or doing something – заниматься чем-либо; в контексте: I'm right in the middle of prepping for the Snowboard Fest this coming Sunday, so I won't have a chance to spend Saturday and Sunday with you. – Я как раз готовлюсь к ... ART Vancouver); specifically (e.g.: is specifically intended to – предназначается как раз для (того, чтобы) Stas-Soleil); very; just as; it just so happens that (It just so happens that my best friend is a highly qualified pediatric therapist. • It just so happens that you are wrong. • This inconsistency was frustrating because it messed with my sense of expectation, along with so many other design choices in the game. And it just so happens that expectations are the most important part of the user experience. 4uzhoj); precisely; squarely; exactly (That is exactly what I was about to do. – Как раз это я и хотел сделать. 4uzhoj); pat; right; coincidentally (wandervoegel); joust; full; it is ... that (Andy); just; just enough (В.И.Макаров); on the point of (В.И.Макаров); to a turn; even as; if a day; right to a T; the very; a nicety (Anglophile); square (VLZ_58); even; just in time (for something – в знач. "в самый последний момент"); while one is at it (в знач. "заодно": while we are at it, while I'm at it и т.д. 4uzhoj); just long enough to (о времени: The dust won't last long, just long enough to get what I want. • Just long enough to get the job done. 4uzhoj); well; bang; clean; flat; plumb; vera; exactly to a T (Peri); actually (lambie); funny you should ask ("Hey, have you talked to your cousin recently?" "Funny you should ask, he called yesterday" – Слушай, а ты давно общался со своим двоюродным братом? – А он как раз мне вчера звонил Баян); consequently (suburbian); just then (Technical); but just
Amerik. up to the handle
klisch. as we speak (I am working on it as we speak. – Я как раз этим и занимаюсь. ART Vancouver); as it happens ("Again, both father and son agreed as to the place where the man escaped into the road. At that point, however, as it happens, there is a broadish ditch, moist at the bottom." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Однако как раз в этом месте находится ... ART Vancouver)
kont. be just about to (I was just about to leave. – Я как раз ухожу. 4uzhoj)
umg. to a T; slap-bang (КГА); slap; nicely; plunk
как раз!
Allg. as if; as though
как раз: 473 Phrasen in 24 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik293
Formale Sprache1
Klischee / Konvention7
Kontextuelle Bedeutung1
Seltener Ausdruck1
Wissenschaftlicher Ausdruck5
Zitate und Aphorismen1