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Allg. rage; seethe (wuller); boil; popple; bobble; simmer; sod; bubble over; bubble up; roil (непереходный глагол Linch); boil up (grafleonov); come to a boil; work; wallop; warm (особ о крови); heave (Рина Грант); froth (alexs2011); froth up (alexs2011); brawl (Vadim Rouminsky); ripple; roughen (о море)
Gruzovik buzz with excitement; well; well up
Игорь Миг run high
aeroh. churn; churn up
Bild. Ausdr. be in full swing (grafleonov)
Gruzovik, korr. seethe up
Makarow. rough (о море); buzz with activity; hum with activity; seethe (при кипении)
Mil. storm
Silikatprod. bubble
Tech. bump
übertr. percolate ("In that boom year of 1939 in Los Angeles, the movie industry was in high gear, and the town percolated with nightlife and high living in a string of fancy supper clubs." (Vanity Fair) – в городе бурлила ночная жизнь ART Vancouver); run amok (No new facts, although on Twitter, speculation was running amok. Abysslooker)
: 17 Phrasen in 3 Thematiken
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