
   Russisch Englisch
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Allg. concord; convention; treaty; pact
Geschäftsvokab. treaty
Patent. convention
Recht. compact; convention
Tech. agreement
Wirtsch. conv
| о
Slang. double
| предотвращении загрязнения
 предотвращение загрязнений
Tech. pollution prevention
| морской среды
 морская среда
Tech. marine environment
путм | сброса
Nano. detachment
| веществ
Allg. matter
| с судов
 с судна
Wirtsch. ex-ship
| и
Allg. and
| летательных
Allg. flying
| аппа
Öl&Gas African Petroleum Producers Association
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zu Phrasen
конвенция Sub.Betonungen
Allg. concord; convention (under a/the ~ This is forbidden under the European Convention on Human Rights. | ~ between the 1869 convention between Turkey and Persia | ~ for the Berne Convention for the Conservation of European Wildlife | ~ on the 1951 United Nations Convention on refugees. OCD Alexander Demidov); treaty (между государствами); pact
Geschäftsvokab. treaty
Gruzovik, Wirtsch. conv (convention)
Lat., Recht. pactum (Право международной торговли On-Line)
Notar. convention (as an agreement)
Patent. convention
Recht. compact; convention (международный договор)
Sachal. Treaty (между государствами)
Tech. agreement
veralt. concordancy
конвенция MARPOL Sub.
Öl&Gas MARPOL Convention (MichaelBurov)
Конвенция о предотвращении загрязнения морской среды
: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik
Name der Organisation1