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value added network
Fin., IT rede de valor acrescentado; rede pública de valor acrescentado
value-added network
IT rede de valor acrescentado
micr., bras. rede com valor agregado (A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services)
 Englisch Thesaurus
value-added network
IT A data communication network that adds processing services such as error correction, data translation and/or storage to the basic function of transporting data
Value Added Network
Abkürz. VAN (e.g. Tymnet, Telenet, etc)
Abkürz., Astro., Mil. VAN
Value-Added Networks
Mil., Abkürz. VAN
value added network: 2 Phrasen in 1 Thematik