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normal ['nɔ:m(ə)l] Sub.
Allg. door de natuur bepaald; wat door het vaste gebruik bepaald is
Astro., Verk. loodrecht op
landwirt. smetteloos
Med. hartontwikkeling m
micr. normaal (Having a font weight that corresponds to a weight class value of 400 according to the OpenType specification)
Normal ['nɔ:m(ə)l] Sub.
micr. Normaal (The name of a device profile that handles incoming calls by always notifying the user)
Pharma. Normaal
normals Sub.
biow. normalen
normal ['nɔ:m(ə)l] Adj.
Med. conventioneel; fysiologisch
 Englisch Thesaurus
normal ['nɔ:m(ə)l] Abk.
Abkürz., Luftf. NOR; NORM
normal contact: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik