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gr Abk.
Abkürz. grade; grammar; granted; great; group; gunner
Abkürz., Autoind. graygrey
Abkürz., geow. grains; gram roentgen; granite; granitic pluton; granophyric quartz
Abkürz., Geschäftsvokab. grain capacity; grand; grey; grind
Abkürz., Med. grain
el.Tech. gear ratio
Waffen gran
Öl&Gas API degrees API (gravity)
gr. Abk.
Abkürz. grain; gramme; gray (grey); great; grains
Abkürz., E.öl. gramme
Abkürz., geow. grade; gram; gramms; granular; graphite; gravity; gray; grind; group
Abkürz., Maschinenb. gear
Abkürz., Sport. granular snow
Polym. gross
GR Abk.
Abkürz. General Register; Get Results; Ghost Recon; Gold Rush; Gram; Grand Rapids; Green River; Grim Reaper; Growth Rate; Growth Rates; Game Rankings; Game Results; Gaming Research; Gas Reinjection (Yakov); Gateway Router; General Radiation; General Retard; General Radio Co.; grade resistance; General Rules (court rules); Generalized Rayleigh; Generalized Ring; Geometrical Realization; George Reid; George Reigns; German Rifle; Ghetto Retard; Ghost Reapers; Gift Recipient; Gilbert Ramsay; Girls Rights; Glenn Research; Global Recognition; Glufosinate Resistant; Gnu Radio; Gorillaz Rule; grab rod; grade reagent (Yakov); Grade Reports; Grand Rapids Eastern Railroad Incorporated; Grande Route; Grant Richter; Graphical Reporting; Graves Registration; Great, Greater; Green Rug; Greenfield And Robinson; grid resistor; Gross, Grossly; Ground Representation; Group Rating; Groups Of Rococo; Growth Ratio; Guaranteed Reagent; Guaranteed Receipt; Guard Reversal; Gun Runner; Gunning Refractory; Gypsum Requirement; Gypsy Rose
Abkürz., Astron., Wissensch. Galactic Rotation
Abkürz., Ausbild. General Requirements
Abkürz., Autom. gear rougher
Abkürz., Biol. guaranteed regents
Abkürz., bodenk. greyzem; granular structure
Abkürz., Bohr. gamma ray log (a radioactivity log indicating lithology)
Abkürz., brit. engl. Gibraltar Regiment; Gurkha Rifles; Gurkhas
Abkürz., Börse. B. F. Goodrich Company
Abkürz., Chem. Guaranteed Reagent (степень чистоты химического реактива paseal); glutathione reductase
Abkürz., comput. Good race (Аналог GG в гонках Johnny Bravo)
Abkürz., E.öl. gamma-ray log; ground; OH or G/R OH gamma ray, openhole log; gain reduction; gamma radiation; gamma-ray intensity; gas ratio; gauge ring; gauge row; generalized reciprocal method of seism ic refraction interpretation; Glen Rose; Gorda ridge; government regulations; grab sample; gradient regulation; granitic rock; Green River region; gross revenue; ground roll; guarantee reagent; gyro-resonance
Abkürz., Eisnbnw. Georgian Railway (ВосьМой); Chemins de fer de Georgie
Abkürz., el. gamma ray (spectrometer); Ga-rich oxide; generalized routine; generation-recombination (noise); generator running; GPRS register; grand recorder; graphic representation; grating reflector; ground rule; group processor; guard ring; guided ray
Abkürz., fant. Giant Robot
Abkürz., Geophys. gamma ray (MichaelBurov); gamma ray log (MichaelBurov); gamma-ray logging
Abkürz., geow. Galapagos Rise; gamma roentgen; garnet; global solar radiation; grab; graben; grab rail; granular; graphic recorder; gravel; greenness index; greenstone; ground resolution; gulf return
Abkürz., Geschäftsspr. goods receipt (Valtranslation)
Abkürz., Geschäftsvokab. General Rules; gold reserve; Government Rubber Grade; grace; graphite; ground rent
Abkürz., IT general-purpose register; generic relation
Abkürz., Kommunik. Gigabit Router
Abkürz., Luftf. Ground Reconnaissance (ВосьМой); generator relay; gradient; ground router; gapped rivet; goods received; ground readiness; guidance radar; Gemini Air Cargo (Cargo)
Abkürz., Mar. Grain (capacity)
Abkürz., Marke. General Radio
Abkürz., Med. Gastric Resection; Great; Greater; Gross; Grossly; Group; Genome Research (periodical); Glucocorticoid Receptor
Abkürz., Mil. Grid Reference; GuardRail; graduated response
Abkürz., name d. Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels
Abkürz., Phys. gamma rays (igisheva)
Abkürz., Phys., Wissensch. General Relativity
Abkürz., Polit. Greece
Abkürz., Polym. general reserve; government rubber
Abkürz., Sachal. gamma-ray log (ging)
Abkürz., Schott. General Regulator (USA); Ground attack Reconnaissance; Greece (NATO country code)
Abkürz., Schweiz Grisons (<фр.> 'More); Graubünden <нем.> (кантон на юго-востоке Швейцарии. Столица — город Кур 'More)
Abkürz., Schädl.bek. granule
Abkürz., Textil gross requirement
Abkürz., vereint. General Resolution
Abkürz., Vet.med., Med. Golden Retriever
Abkürz., weltraum ground relay
Abkürz., Zahnmed. gingival recession (MichaelBurov); gingival regression (MichaelBurov); gingival retraction (MichaelBurov); gum recession (MichaelBurov); gum regression (MichaelBurov); gum retraction (MichaelBurov)
Abkürz., Öl&Gas gamma ray curve (MichaelBurov); Gamma Ray logging; GR log (MichaelBurov)
Energiewirts. gas reburning; gas recirculation
Meteorol. ground run; hail
Mil. general reconnaissance; government report; gross requirements; ground range; group report; gunnery range
Mil., Abkürz. gamma ray
Tech. gear; generation-recombination noise; geometrical reconstruction; germanium rectifier; graduate; gravitational radiation; group on reliability
Gr Abk.
Abkürz. green; grain (avoirdupois weight); gram; gramme; gray; gross weight; Grashof criterion; Greek; Grove (в адресах; 3 Honeysuckle Gr, Aldgate alexghost)
Abkürz., E.öl. granitic (plutons); grossular
Abkürz., el. Grashov number; graphics
Abkürz., geow. Grashof number
Abkürz., Med. gravity (unit)
Kühltech. Grashoff's number
Öl&Gas grounding/grade
Gr. Abk.
Abkürz. Greek
Abkürz., geow. Greece; green; ground
GR% Abk.
Abkürz., Med. granulocytes (MichaelBurov); relative granulocyte count (MichaelBurov); relative granulocyte level (MichaelBurov)
VclGR Abk.
Abkürz. clay content deduced from gamma rays
Abkürz., E.öl. clay content deduced from gamma rays
GR# Abk.
Abkürz., Med. absolute granulocyte count (MichaelBurov); absolute granulocyte level (MichaelBurov)