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format ['fɔ:mæt] Sub.
micr. formatar (" To prepare a disk for use by organizing its storage space into a collection of data "compartments", each of which can be located by the operating system so that data can be sorted and retrieved. When a previously used disk is formatted, any preexisting information on it is lost.")
format ['fɔ:mæt] Sub.
micr. formato (The overall layout or pattern of a document)
 Englisch Thesaurus
Format ['fɔ:mæt] Sub.
comp., Abkürz. F
format ['fɔ:mæt] Sub.
Mil., Abkürz. fmt
FORMAT ['fɔ:mæt] Abk.
Abkürz., Luftf. Fortran matrix abstraction technique
format The attributes of a cell in a spreadsheet, such as its being alphabetic or numeric, the number of digits, the use of commas, and the use of currency signs ['fɔ:mæt] Abk.
Abkürz., micr. ఫార్మాట్
FORMAT ['fɔ:mæt] Sub.
Mil. Foreign Materiel
: 9 Phrasen in 1 Thematik