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fast [fɑ:st] Sub.
Chem. debout m; solide (colour, couleur); durable; veritable (colour); pur m (colour); consistant; fixe m; grand teint
comp. à vitesse élevée; à grande vitesse; rapide f
farbst. résistant m; inaltérable; stable
Med. jeûne m
Metall. ferme m
Telekomm. vite m
Verk., Mar. traversière f; amarre traversière
fast [fɑ:st] Adj.
Verk., Mar. traversier
 Englisch Thesaurus
FAST [fɑ:st] Abk.
Abkürz., Luftabw. fence against satellite threat
Abkürz., Luftf. flexible access secure transfer; fuel and sensor tactical; fuse air sensing technique
Abkürz., Pul.met. field assisted sintering technology (MichaelBurov)
Fast [fɑ:st] Abk.
Abkürz., el. financial application system technical platform
Abkürz., Luftf. fan and supersonic turbine; flight advisory service testing; flying ambulance surgical trauma
FAST process [fɑ:st] Abk.
Abkürz. fracture-assisted steamflood technology (process)
Abkürz., E.öl. fracture-assisted steamflood technology (process)
Abkürz., geow. Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies
Abkürz., Med. Femoral Artery Stent Study
FAST [fɑ:st] Abk.
Abkürz. Fair And Simple Tax; Fast Action Stops Torture; Fast Automated Screen Trading; Fastenal Company; Federal Acquisition Services For Technology; Firefighter Assist Search Team; Flexible Accelerated Securities Transfer; Free And Secure Trade; Frequent Accurate Specific And Timely; Facilitate Acceleration through Special Technique (Georgy Moiseenko); Facetted Application Of Subject Terminology; Factory Authorized Service Teams; Faculty Academic Support Team; Fans Against Scalping Tickets; Fast ARM Solutions Toolkit (ARM, Palm, PDA); Fast Auroral SnapshoT explorer (Space); fast automatic shuttle transfer; Feed A Songwriter Today; Field Automated Subscriber Testing; Financial Agent Secured Transactions; Firefighter Assistance Search Team; First Application System Test; Fleet Antiterrorist Support Teams; Flexible Architecture Simulator Tool; Flow Actuated Sediment Trap; Food Allergies Survivors Together; Food And Agricultural Sciences And Technology; Fordham Alumni Student Teams; Forward Area Support Team (terminal); Forward Area Support Terminal; Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations; First Atomic Ship Transport, Inc.; Freely Available Software Technology; Fun After School Teens; Functional Agility Speed And Technique; Functional Agility Strength Training
Abkürz., ADR Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology
Abkürz., Astro. Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer
Abkürz., Astron. Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (in China Val_Ships)
Abkürz., Ausbild. Families And School Together; Families And Schools Together; Family And School Together
Abkürz., comp. Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (Vosoni); FORTRAN automatic symbol translator
Abkürz., E.öl. fail-safe action safety technology; flapper antiswabbing tool; formation anomaly simulation trace; fracture-assisted steamflood technology; full astern; function analysis system technique
Abkürz., el. Fairchild advanced Schottky TTL; Fairchild advanced Schottky-barrier diode clamped TTL; fast access signaling trunking; fast access storage technology; Federation of Against Software Theft; FIB Applied Semiconductor Technology, Inc.; fiber at subscriber terminal; flexible algebraic scientific translator; fluoro-alkoxy-silane treatment; frequency agile search and track seeker; fully automatic sorting and testing; future automatic search traveler
Abkürz., energ. facility for accelarated service testing (Altuntash)
Abkürz., EU Forecasting and Assessment in the Field of Science and Technology
Abkürz., geow. forecasting and assessment of science and technology; forecasting, assessment and methodology in the field of science and technology; Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test
Abkürz., Hand. functional analysis system techniques
Abkürz., Immun. fiber-optic array scanning technology (skaivan); fluoroallergosorbent test
Abkürz., IT Federation Against Software Theft (GB); Functional Analysis Systems Technique
Abkürz., Luftf. forward airborne surveillance and tracking; fast acquisition search and track; forward area support team
Abkürz., Mar., Wissensch. Fore- Aft Scanning Technique
Abkürz., Med. Fitness, Arthritis And Seniors Trial; Food Allergy Survivors Together; First Access For Shock And Trauma; focused abdominal sonogram for trauma (milayamoya); Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (harser); Fourier artefact suppression technology (harser); focused assessment with sonography for trauma
Abkürz., Mil. Field Assistance in Science and Technology; Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team; Fleet Antiterrorism Support Team; Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team; Fleet Anti-terrorist Security Team; field assessment surveillance team; fleet antiterrorism security team
Abkürz., name d. Fast Administrative Support Team
Abkürz., Physiol. Face, Arms, Speech, Time
Abkürz., Physiol., Med. Focused Abdominal Sonography For Trauma; Fortified Amino Scalp Therapy
Abkürz., Post Facility Access and Shipment Tracking system (manages drop ship appointments, 2005); Facility Access Shipment and Tracking system (another translation of above); Forecasted Annually Shipped Timely (centralized procurement system)
Abkürz., Progr. family-oriented abstraction, specification, and translation (ssn)
Abkürz., Progr., IT Fully Active Starburst Technology
Abkürz., Recht. Fast Action Service Team; Foster Allegation Support Team
Abkürz., Sachal. fracture assisted steamflooding
Abkürz., Schott. Fly Away Satellite Terminal; Forward Area Shelterized Terminal; Fully Automatic Scoring Target; Fuze Activating Static Targets
Abkürz., Sport. Father And Son Team
Abkürz., Tech. Functions Analysis Systems Technique (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Abkürz., Verk. Final Approach Spacing Tool
Abkürz., weltraum forward space support in theater; framework for advanced simulation technology; frequency agile search and track (seeker); formula and statement translator; Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (МДА)
Abkürz., Ökol. Fixed Activated Sludge Treatment (mine Bema)
Abkürz., Öl&Gas Field Asset Strategy Team (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Mil. fast acquisition, search and tracking; fast automatic search and tracking; fence against satellite threats; force and supply tracking; forecasting and scheduling technique; foreign area specialist training; forward air strike task; frequency agile search and track; functional analysis system technique; fuze and sensing techniques
Tech. facility for automatic sorting and testing; failure analysis by statistical technique; Fairchild advanced Schottky technology; fast acquisition, search and track; fixed abrasive slicing technique; fuel aerosol simulation test; fuel assembly stability test
fast automatic
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