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captain ['kæptɪn] Sub.
Verk. skibsfører
Verk., Mar. kaptajn
Captain ['kæptɪn] Sub.
Allg. kaptajn; kommandør
 Englisch Thesaurus
captain ['kæptɪn] Abk.
Abkürz., Mil., Mar. cap; capt
CAPTAIN ['kæptɪn] Abk.
Abkürz. Community Action For Parents Teens And Interested Neighbors
Abkürz., IT Character And Pattern Telephone Access Information Network; computer aided processing terminal access information network
Abkürz., Mil., Luftf. computer-aided processing and terminal, access information network
Tech. computer-aided processing and terminal access information network
captain: 12 Phrasen in 2 Thematiken
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