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beacon ['bi:kən] Sub.
Bauw. геодезичен сигнал (алешаBG); геодезичен знак (алешаBG); фар m
micr. готовност (A signal that tells your Xbox Live and Facebook friends that you want to play a particular game, and notifies you when friends are playing or want to play that game); мая́к n (A snippet of software placed in an advertisement or e-mail message, or on a Web page to help measure delivery of the item to a Web browser and to track a user's actions in general)
 Englisch Thesaurus
beacon ['bi:kən] Abk.
Abkürz., Kartogr. ben
Luftf., Kanada. An aeronautical light arranged, either through optical design or mechanical motion, to be visible to all azimuths, either continuously or consecutively, to designate a particular point on the surface of the earth
Mil., Abkürz. bcn; bea
BEACON ['bi:kən] Abk.
Abkürz. Become Employed At Career Online Network
Abkürz., Ausbild. Believing Education And Connecting Our Network
Abkürz., Börse. Boston Stock Exchange Automated Communication and Order-routing Network
Abkürz., el. British European airway computer network
Abkürz., karat. British European Airways Computer Network
Abkürz., Luftf. British European airway computerized office network
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