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Pearl Cotton
Textil, Abkürz. PC
pearl cotton
Baust. пенополиэтилен (из китайского инвойса ecvv.co.uk, pepacking.com Varlog); вспененный полиэтилен (из китайского инвойса ecvv.co.uk, pepacking.com Varlog); ППЭ (из китайского инвойса ecvv.co.uk, pepacking.com Varlog)
Textil вышивальная бумага (Sold in a variety of lengths and thicknesses, pearl cotton is a twisted thread that is not divided before use. dmc.com Varlog); вышивальные хлопчатобумажные нитки (Sold in a variety of lengths and thicknesses, pearl cotton is a twisted thread that is not divided before use. dmc.com Varlog)