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Abhauen n
Allg. winze
Bergb. bully
kohl. dip driving
abhauen V.
Allg. elope; run away; scat; scoot; scoot (haute ab, abgehauen); scram; bugger off
Abhauen V.
kohl. drivage to the dip
Abhieb V. -(e)s
landwirt. felling
abhauen abhacken V.
Allg. hew off
abhauen Adj.
Allg. skedaddle
australisch. bail; to be off like a bride's nightie
Brit. leg it; bunk off
grob. piss off
landwirt. mow; reap; cut; cut-down; fell
Metall. to cut off
Mil. go over the hill Am. (Andrey Truhachev)
Slang. to be off; to choof off; take off; vamoose
Slang., Amerik. cheese it
umg. boogie; take a walk (Andrey Truhachev)
umg., brit. engl. scarper
voll. spike
Abhauen Adj.
Bergb. branch heading; dip heading; diphead; dipheading; dipper heading; down brow; winds
landwirt. trimming; chipping (off); lopping (off); chopping off; undercutting; tapping; cleaving; hacking off; chopping away; hewing off
voll. spiking
abhauen: 12 Phrasen in 4 Thematiken