
   Deutsch Englisch
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Allg. guide line; precept
Mar. leading line
micr. policy
Recht. directive; rule of conduct
Tech. doctrine; general direction; instruction; orientation
| zur
Allg. at
| Schaffung
Allg. creations
| eines
Allg. an
| Ordnungsrahmens
Umwelt framework regulations
| fur
ADR in favor of
| Ma
geow. Tech. X-ray tube current
| nahmen
Tech. sensitivity decrease
| der
Allg. that
| Gemeinschaft
comp. public
| im
Allg. at
| Bereich
comp. area
| der
Allg. that
- einzelne Wörter gefunden

zu Phrasen
Richtlinie f =, -n
Allg. guide line; precept
ADR Directive (must be incorporated into national law by the Member States)
Bauw. recommendations
Chem. guideline; rules of conduct
Forst guidelines
Geschäftsvokab. guiding principle; principle; rule
Kommunik. recommendation (FTZ, DIN)
Mar. leading line
Med. guide-line; canon
micr. policy (A versioned collection of business rules); policy (A versioned collection of business rules)
Recht. directive; rule of conduct; EU Directive; EU Directives; instructions; directions; regulations; rules; policy; standards
Tech. doctrine; general direction; instruction; orientation; precaution; direction; directrix; standard (ICAO)
Telekomm. order
Wirtsch. guideline (unverbindliche Leitlinie); directive (EU); directive EU (EU); guidance; guiding rule; standard; guide; guiding line
übertr. rule of thumb
Richtlinien f
Geschäftsvokab. guidelines; instructions; principles
Gesellsch., Verk. directives
IT conventions
micr. policy (As set of rules defined by the administrator. For example, the policy may require all users to change their passwords)
Richtlinie zur Schaffung eines Ordnungsrahmens fur
: 4 Phrasen in 2 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik1